Timesheet menu

A new Timesheet task based menu has all the menu items related to configuring, recording, posting, and managing late time.

Below are the timesheet menu items added:

Menu item Description
New timesheet This is a new menu item which allows to create a timesheet without navigating to My timesheets form.
My timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
My timesheets (optimized for mobile) Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Manage pending time Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
All timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Unposted timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Deleted timesheet history Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Timesheets for my review Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Timesheets for my review (optimized for mobile) Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Timesheet line level approval Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
All missing timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
My employee missing timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
My project missing timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Missing timesheet email Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Export time for payroll Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Imported timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Post all approved timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Timesheet parameters New form where all the related parameters are pulled in. Refer below section for more details
Timesheet workflows New form where only timesheet related workflows will be displayed. Refer below section for more details
Timesheet period types Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
All delegates Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
All favorites Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Work location Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Pay code Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.

Timesheet parameters form

In the timesheet parameters form, we have added all the existing timesheet related fields including projects360 and standard fields for easier access to the user.

General tab

Validation tab

Financial tab

Time export tab

Mobile timesheet tab

Intercompany tab

Timesheet workflow form

In the timesheet workflow form, we have added existing timesheet related workflows.