From projects360 8.0 release onwards, we have added a new feature to import the PTO balances from external HR or payroll systems. A data entity called ‘PTO balances’ is created to facilitate this import process. PTO data can be imported on a periodic basis from an external system and is shown on the fact box in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 finance and operations.

Once imported, the PTO balances can be viewed by expanding the fact box on the following forms:

Personal time off request.
Personal time off request Inquiry.
My resources PTO requests.
All Timesheets, and
My Timesheets.

A fact box is introduced to display the PTO balances data on above mentioned forms. The fact box displays the information for the selected resource on the form. If multiple records are selected together, then the fact box will not display any information. This fact box has two columns, which are Type and Balance. These two columns contain the information about the type of PTO records and balances from the last imported date respectively.

Also, list pages are introduced on the workspaces to display this data. ‘My PTO balances’ on the projects360 tasks workspace displays the information for resources assigned to the logged in users and on the resource management workspace, ‘My employee PTO balances’ list page is added. This list page displays the PTO balances of all the resources for whom the logged in user is defined as an timesheet approver.