Resourcing menu

A new Resourcing task based menu has all the menu items for managing the resourcing/booking process.

Below are the resourcing menu items added:

Menu item Description
My booking This is a new menu item which displays all the bookings of the logged in user.
My resource list This is an existing menu item and displays the resource list where the logged in user is an timesheet approver.
My employee missing timesheets Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
My resource time off requests Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
My resource booking This is a new menu item which displays all the bookings of the logged in user along with the resources booking where the logged in user is an timesheet approver.
Resource view Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module
Project view Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Intelligent resource fulfilment Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module
Intelligent work search Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Update resourcing ETC Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module
Target update Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Workers Existing menu item pulled from human resource module.
Employees Existing menu item pulled from human resource module.
Contractors Existing menu item pulled from human resource module.
Resource list Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Intercompany resource list This is a new menu item which displays all the intercompany resource lists.
Resourcing parameter New form where all the related parameters are pulled in. Refer below section for more details.
Resourcing workflows New form where only timesheet related workflows will be displayed. Refer below section for more details.
Calendars Existing menu item pulled from organization administration module.
Working time templates Existing menu item pulled from organization administration module.
Utilization target Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Utilization type Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Skills Existing menu item pulled from human resource module.
Certificate types Existing menu item pulled from human resource module.
Setup roles Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Education disciplines Existing menu item pulled from human resource module.

Resourcing parameters form

In the resourcing parameters form, we have added all the existing resourcing related fields including projects360 and standard fields for easier access to the user.

General tab

Booking tab

Intelligent work search tab

Resourcing workflow form

In the resourcing workflow form, we have added existing resourcing related workflow.