
Non-Intercompany transactions: On the posting of a non-Intercompany timesheet transaction, ‘timesheet transaction recId’ is updated to the new field ‘PMIPTimesheetRecId’ in ProjEmplTrans table.

Intercompany transactions: On the posting of an intercompany customer invoice, ‘timesheet transaction recId’ is updated to the new field ‘PMIPTSExpRecId’ in VendInvoiceInfoLine_Project table and then when posting the Intercompany vendor invoice, the record Id is then updated into the ProjEmplTrans table.

Expense Report

Non-Intercompany transactions: When posting an expense report, ‘expense report transaction recId’ is updated to the new field ‘PMIPExpRecId’ in ProjCostTrans table.

Intercompany transactions: On posting Intercompany customer invoice, ‘expense report transaction recId’ is copied to the new field ‘PMIPTSExpRecId’ in ProjCostTrans table and then when posting the Intercompany vendor invoice, the record Id is then updated into the ProjEmplTrans table.

Open Vendor Invoice

VendInvoiceInfoLine_Project table will now store the record ID for open vendor invoice of hour, expense and Item as well as for the other intercompany transactions.