Workflow Setup

Create a line level timesheet workflow that has approvals done for each line and then create timesheet approval workflow. It then invokes the line level workflow from the timesheet workflow.

To create the timesheet line level approval go to:
Go to Project management and accounting > Setup > Project management and accounting Workflow
Go to Timesheets > Setup > Timesheets workflow

Iinvoke the above created timesheet line level workflow in Review timesheet workflow as shown below:

Note – There is no change to the standard workflow setup.

Parameter Setup

Timesheet tab

On projects360 parameter form, under Timesheet tab, a new parameter “Show for multiple funding sources” is been introduced to display “customer name” from the project when project contract has multiple funding sources.

Workflow line level approval tab

On projects360 parameter form, under Workflow line level approval tab, a new set of parameters under the “Timesheet line level approval” has been introduced to allow edit of few fields on Timesheet line level approval form. User needs to set the field value to ‘Yes’ in order to edit particular fields accordingly.

Go to Project management and accounting > Setups > projects360 parameters > Workflow line level approval tab

Details of the fields available on the projects360 parameters form are as follows –

Fields Description
Hours When this parameter is set to Yes, user can edit hours on timesheet line details tab on Timesheet line level approval form. Timesheet line hours will be updated/refreshed on timesheet lines after a new value is entered on Timesheet line details tab, Timesheet line level approval form.
Activity When this parameter is set to Yes, user can edit activity on timesheet line details tab on Timesheet level approval form.
Work location When this parameter is set to Yes, user can edit work location on timesheet line details tab on Timesheet level approval form.
Project category When this parameter is set to Yes, user can edit category on timesheet line details tab on Timesheet level approval form.
Line property When this parameter is set to Yes, user can edit line property on timesheet line details tab on Timesheet level approval form.