Parameter Setups

The below form provides options to setup some of the default information required for timesheets integration from Project Service Automation application (PSA) to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Go to projects360 integration > Setup > projects360 integrations parameters> Timesheets.

Fields available on the form are as follows:

  • Synchronize with PSA – This checkbox enables or disables the Resource integration with Project Service Automation application (PSA).
  • UI control – This checkbox controls view of Project Service Automation application (PSA) data. If this field is enabled, then users can navigate to Project Service Automation application (PSA) data from Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations workspace, Integration log and resource forms.
  • Last execution date time – Initially the Last execution date time field will be editable. After the first execution this field will not be editable and displays the most recent execution date when a user runs the periodic process for integrating data. Once the record is updated in the Project Service Automation application (PSA), this date will be reset to the modified date of the Project Service Automation application (PSA) record. Modified data will be retrieved from Project Service Automation application (PSA), from last execution date and time to the current system date and time.
  • Absence and Vacation – Project Service Automation application (PSA) does not have the project defined for the leave and vacation time entries, so these two fields give options to set up default project and activity for absence and vacation types to be used while creating timesheets in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations for the work type “leave/vacation”.