Version | Hotfix Release | Sept 30, 2022

Note – This hotfix release is compatible with Microsoft Installed product version 10.0.29 as well.

Work item type Business scenario Description VSTS ID Version
Enhancement Extensibility request Provided extensibility for sales price grouping under Item attribute on Invoice Grouping form 66401
Enhancement Invoicing Enhanced invoice gropuing functionality by adding default sort based on line number in the invoice lines section on invoice proposal form. 67014
Issue ETC management Earlier, Revenue adjustment amount was incorrect when the revenue adjustment process is executed with “From estimated at completion. Now with this fix, Revenue adjustment amount will be calculated based on the ETC. 63109
Issue Resourcing Earlier, Resource forecast was displaying incorrect hours when the PTO request was cancelled. Now with this fix, Resource forecast was displaying incorrect hours when the PTO request was cancelled. 65253
Issue Time off request Addressed and issue where My resource time off requests was not filtering based on my resources. 65350
Issue Contract management Earlier, newly created contract buckets was included for all other contracts when ‘All agreement’ was set to ‘yes’. Now with this fix, newly created contract buckets will be included only for the related contracts. 65641
Issue Quick project search Earlier Project ID search was always returning the focus to first row on expense report created from Expense management workspace. Now with this fix, focus will stay on the selected expense line while selection Project ID through quick project search. 65936
Issue Invoicing Addressed performance issue when try to open ‘Totals’ form from Project invoice proposal. 66399
Issue Billing schedule Earlier, when the billing schedule had billing frequency as “Billing calendar” and billing calendar was considered though batch process. Now with this fix, “Billing calendar” will be considered in the batch process and billing schedules will be created accordingly. 66598
Issue Simple adjustments Earlier, Simple adjustment buttons were enabled for the transactions which were already adjusted. Now with this fix, Simple adjustment buttons will be disabled for the transactions which are already adjusted. 66695
Issue HR automated events Earlier, Financial dimensions were not populating from the position to the Employee/contractor record when there were future positions created along with currect positions. Now with this fix, user has provided periodic batch job through which dimensions will be defaulted based on the current position. 66718
Issue Dimension default rules Earlier, DDR was not defaulting correctly when record is modified on the General journals. Now with this fix, DDR will default correctly when record is modified on the General journals. 66726
Issue Resourcing Addressed an issue where using the “Filter by financial dimension” was retunring incorrec result in the “Intelligent work search” form. 66748
Issue Adjustment request Earlier, Action field lookup values were not displayed when the All adjustment request form is opened through “Open in excel” in roles. Now with this fix, Action field lookup values will be displayed when the All adjustment request form is opened through “Open in excel” in roles. 66750
Issue HR automated events Earlier HR automated events failed to create user when domain email contains special characters. Now with this fix, HR automated events will create user when domain email contains special characters. 66849
Issue Unit code entry Ealier user were able to remove the transaction type filter while selecting the Unit code on Unit code entry form. Now with this fix, Unit code with transaction type is locked and will be unable to select transction type Item on Unit code entry form. 66921
Issue Invoicing Earlier when the invoice proposal had projects with zero amount, voucher imbalance error was getting triggered. Now with this fix, voucher imbalance error will not get triggered with the project having zero amount on invoice proposal. 66977
Issue Timesheets Earlier error was triggered when submitting the timesheet for ‘zero’ hour line. Now with this fix, timesheet will get posted successfully by removing the zero hour line and posting other lines. 66978
Issue Unit code entry Addressed refresh issue at the time of posting unit code entry with option “Delivery all”. 67009
Issue Simple adjustments Earlier, user was able to perform simple adjustment process for expense beginning balance transaction but no adjustment transactions was getting posted. Now with this fix, we are not allowing simple adjustment process for the expense beginning balance transactions. 67027
Issue Timesheet line level approval Earlier, Hours on timesheet lines were not updating correctly when ‘hours’ on ‘timesheet line details’ was modified. Now with this fix, Hours on timesheet lines display display correct hours when ‘hours’ on ‘timesheet line details’ is modified. 67034

Version Information

Package Name Model Name Version
projects360 ProjAX
projects360 BI ProjAX BI
projects360 IA ProjAX IA
projects360 Mobile Projects360Mobile
projects360 projects BI ProjectsBI
projects360 Workspace ProjAXWorkspace
projects360 Integrations Projects360 integrations
projects360 Financials BI FinancialBI
projects360 Learning Plan Learning Plan
projects360 for Project Operations ProjOperations
projects360 Cash Basis Accounting CBA

Version | Hotfix Release | Sept 02, 2022

Work item type Business scenario Description VSTS ID Version
Issue Timesheets Earlier, when the unit code record was removed from the timesheet entire timesheet was getting deleted. Now when the unit code record is deleted, only unit code record is deleted instead of entire timesheet. 54735
Issue Workspaces Improved performance with regard to “Resource role” tab on the resource management workspace. 57595
Issue Security and Licensing Earlier “PMIPResourceForecastV3DataEntityMaintain” was missing for AEC project accountant role. Now with this fix, PMIPResourceForecastV3DataEntityMaintain is available for the AEC project accountant role. 64489
Issue Export time Earlier, when the overtime lines were created for intercompany, Category and Line property default was incorrect. Now with this fix, when the overtime lines were created for intercompany, Category and Line property finds and defaults from the intercompany setup. 64627
Issue Contract management Earlier user was getting error “The current employee is not associated with a project resource” while approving a contract agreement. Now with this fix, the error has been resolved. 64651
Issue Overtime Earlier when the timesheet was copied through copy functionality, overtime indicator was not copied for the overtime line. Now with this fix, whenever the timesheet is copied through copy functionality overtime indicator will get copied for the overtime line. 64987
Issue Annual holiday Earlier when the employee hired with the future date was able to submit the timesheet with annual holiday. Now with this fix, when the employee hired with the future date tries to submit the timesheet with annual holiday message will be triggered. 65177
Issue Quick project search Earlier, on the resource forecast form “Copy to project” was not displaying the project with Created state. Now with this fix, based on the project stage rules projects will be displayed in “Copy to project” option. 65291
Issue Project transactions Earlier, when the timesheet is adjusted cost on the automatic transaction was displayed as positive. Now with this fix, when the timesheet is adjusted cost on the automatic transaction will be displayed as negative. 65353
Issue Invoicing Addressed the error when the create invoice proposal with billing rules is executed in batch job. 65520
Issue Project transactions Earlier ProjectPostTransViews is returning expense records with only roles id. Now with this fix,ProjectPostTransViews is returning expense records returning all expense records. 65579
Enhancement Project transactions Addressed the issue where effective labor rate adjustments were not getting considered in automatic transactions. 65644
Issue Personal timeoff Addressed Label issue on PTO balance fact box. 65674
Issue Project transactions Earlier, when the adjustment was performed for the fee transaction created through automatic transaction quantity was incorrect. Now with this fix, Fee quantity will be displayed correctly for the fee transaction created through automatic transactions. 65720

Version Information

Package Name Model Name Version
projects360 ProjAX
projects360 BI ProjAX BI
projects360 IA ProjAX IA
projects360 Mobile Projects360Mobile
projects360 projects BI ProjectsBI
projects360 Workspace ProjAXWorkspace
projects360 Integrations Projects360 integrations
projects360 Financials BI FinancialBI
projects360 Learning Plan Learning Plan
projects360 for Project Operations ProjOperations
projects360 Cash Basis Accounting CBA

Version | Major Release | July 29, 2022

Work item type Business scenario Description VSTS ID Version
Issue Unit Based Billing Earlier Unit proposal was not getting created for the earlier dates when already later date records exists. Now with this fix, Unit proposal will get created for the earlier dates if not exists. 59953
Issue Unit Based Billing Earlier Unit billing forecast was getting deleted when the unit billing proposal in draft stage was deleted. Now with this fix, system will allow to delete the draft proposal, but it will not delete the created unit billing forecast. 59955
Issue Unit Based Billing Earlier when the unit billing is created for same date range in which already proposal is posted, new proposal was getting creating when overlap is unmarked when mentioned of calculation is related to Resource. Now with this fix, overlapping proposal will get created only when unit billing process is executed with Overlap marked. 60006
Issue Unit Based Billing Earlier when the unit billing is created for same date range in which already proposal is posted, quantity was accumulating the from the timesheets posted earlier. Now with this fix, Quantity will be considered only with the given date range. 60007
Issue Unit Based Billing Earlier when unit billing is posted without quantity, incorrect infolog was displayed. Now with this fix, appropriate message will get triggered when user try to post unit billing without quantity. 60008
Issue Fee management Improved performance when Update category on billing rules periodic process is executed for all the project contracts. 60437
Issue PSA integration Addressed an issue where editing a WBS records from F&O causes to lose the PSA reference numbers. This results integration do not find a matching value and therefore creates entirely new records, thus duplicating the WBS records. 61809
Issue Invoicing Earlier, Voucher imbalance error was triggering when try to post invoice with multiple projects along with customer retention. Now with this fix, invoice will get posted without any errors. 61820
Issue Timesheet Earlier, Timesheets were not getting displayed under All timesheets and My timesheets. Now with this fix, Timesheets will get displayed under All timesheets and My timesheets. 62079
Issue Power BI The Power BI embedded report on the Project manager had a hardcoded legal entity filter, which is corrected now. 62221
Issue Billing Schedule Earlier, billing schedule indicator is showing as “There are no posted transactions” even if there were chargeable transactions. Now with this fix, billing schedule indicator will be displayed as “There are no posted transactions” only when there are no chargeable transactions. 62242
Issue Automatic transactions Earlier when the adjustment is performed for hour transaction from invoice proposal, expense transaction was not getting adjusted. Now with this fix, when the adjustment is performed for hour transaction from invoice proposal, expense transaction will get adjusted. 62303
Issue Invoicing Earlier rounding error was triggering when indirect cost is included on multiple projects and Rounding paramater was set as “Rounding by project”. Now with this fix, no rounding will trigger. 62349
Enhancement Extensibility request Extensibility provided for Automatic transactions to extend the decimals for price fields. 62468
Issue Unit Based Billing Earlier, user was not able to create unit billing for multiple dates/times with different length of period without Overlap marked. Now with this fix, user was not able to create unit billing for multiple dates/times with different length of period even without markeing overlap parameter. 62709
Issue Unit Based Billing Earlier Error was triggered while posting the unit billing proposal for the method of calculation day, week and month. Now with this fix, Unit billing proposal will get posted for the method of calculation day, week and month without any errors. 62718
Issue Invoice archive Addressed issue with converting files into PDF during Invoice archive process. 62804
Issue Invoicing Addressed security roles issue for “Copy invoicing group” button on Project invoicing group form. 62834
Issue Data entity Earlier there was error while importing Admin fee through data entity. Now with this fix, Admin fee will get imported without any errors. 62985
Issue Fee management Earlier “Invoice amount” was incorrect when the retention is posted for the NTE projects. Now with this fix, Invoice amount field will not display more than the “Contract value” when the retention amount exists. 63042
Issue Billing Schedule Earlier billing schedule end date was not a mandatory field. Now with this fix Billing schedule end date is made mandatory. 63111
Issue Invoicing Addressed incorrect Customer Invoice File name generated through electronic reporting. 63245
Issue Timesheet Earlier timesheet was getting posted even when there was an error on Unit Code journal on timesheet form. Now with this fix, Timesheet will not get post if there is any error on unit code journal on timesheet form. 63246
Issue Qualification data Earlier, Qualification data was automatically getting added when new projects were created. Now with this fix, only when user create the qualification data manually will be displayed on new projects. 63267
Issue Daily timesheet entry Earlier submission of daily timesheet entry was made dependent on manage pending time “Timesheet auto submit to workflow” parameter. Now with this fix, parameter dependency is removed. 63268
Issue Pre-Billing Summary Report Earlier, Transactions posted on parent project was not displayed on Pre-billing summary report. Now with this fix, transactions posted on the parent project and project without project hierarchy will be displayed on the report. 63392
Issue Invoice document review Earlier Invoice document review button was disabled when electronic template was used. Now with this fix now, Invoice document review button will be available with electronic template also. 63393
Issue Invoice archive Added label changes for Invoice archive parameter. 63411
Issue Pre-Billing Summary Report Earlier on pre-billing summary report, “Quantity” was incorrect if there were fractions of quantity in the journals. Now with this fix, user will be able to see the correct quantity including fractions on the pre-billing summary report. 63434
Enhancement Automatic transactions Earlier “Quantity” was incorrect on the Fee journal which got posted through automatic transactions. Now with this fix, “Quantity” will get copied from the Original trasnaction on the Fee journal which will get posted through automatic transactions. 63439
Issue Workspace Improved the performance of Project manager workspace. 63500
Issue Fee management Improved the performance in opening Admin Fee form. 63506
Issue Fee management Earlier Revenue adjustment batch job was always considering the date entered on the job while configuring. Now with this fix, Revenue adjustment batch job will consider the date entered on the job while configuring for the first posting and current date for the subsequent postings. 63535
Issue Subcontractor Added index on subcontractor accural table. 63603
Issue Timesheet Earlier when user submits the timesheet from the Timesheet workspace, timesheet of all the users will displayed after submission on Timesheet list page. Now with this fix, when user submit the timesheet from the Timesheet workspace, timesheet of logged users will displayed after submission on Timesheet list page. 64404

Version Information

Package Name Model Name Version
projects360 ProjAX
projects360 BI ProjAX BI
projects360 IA ProjAX IA
projects360 Mobile Projects360Mobile
projects360 projects BI ProjectsBI
projects360 Workspace ProjAXWorkspace
projects360 Integrations Projects360 integrations
projects360 Financials BI FinancialBI
projects360 Learning Plan Learning Plan
projects360 for Project Operations ProjOperations
projects360 Cash Basis Accounting CBA