Line Level Approval Form

Go to Project and Management accounting > projects360 > Expensed line level approval
Go to Expense management > My expenses > Expense line level approval

Details of the buttons available are as follows –

Fields Description
Approve Expense approver can approve the expense.
Reject Expense approver can reject the expense.
Delegate Expense approver can delegate the expense.

Details of the fields available on Summary of expenses tab are as follows –

Fields Description
Customer name Displays the customer name of the expense.
Legal entity Displays the legal entity of the expense.
Project ID Displays Project Id for which time is submitted.
Project name Displays project name.
Parent project Displays the parent project name of the Project.
Total lines Displays the total lines for approval.
Total amount Displays the total expense amount for approval.
Principal Displays the principal responsible for the project.
Project manager Displays the manager manager responsible for the project.
Project accountant Displays the project accountant responsible for the project.

Details of the buttons available on Expense report lines tab are as follows –

Fields Description
View expense Expense approver can view the expense report details.
Chat with resource Expense approver can chat with resource who has submitted the expense.

Details of the fields available on Expense report lines tab are as follows –

Fields Description
Transaction date Displays the transaction date of the expense. Date can be edited if ‘Date’ parameter under ‘Allow to edit’ is turned on.
Resource name Displays the resource name of the expense.
Activity Displays Activity name.
Expense category Displays the category for which expense is submitted.
Merchant Displays the merchant of the expense.
Transaction amount Displays the transaction amount of the expense. Transaction amount can be edited if ‘Expense amount’ parameter under ‘Allow to edit’ is turned on.
Currency Displays currency. Currency can be edited if ‘Currency’ parameter under ‘Allow to edit’ is turned on.
Line property Displays the line property of the expense. Line property can be edited if ‘Line property’ parameter under ‘Allow to edit’ is turned on.
Receipts attached Indicates if the receipts are attached on the expense.

Details of the fields available on Timesheet line details tab are as follows –

Fields Description
Additional information Displays additional information grom expense line. This field is editable which gets updated on the expense lines.
Rejection instructions Approver can update rejection instructions which gets updated on the expense lines.
  1. All the lines that are assigned for approval for the current user is seen in this list page.
  2. The lines shown are from all the legal entities displaying the total number of lines and total amount of expense.
  3. Lines are grouped based on the project.