Personal time off menu

A new Personal time off task based menu has all the menu items for managing the Personal time off process. Some menu item names have been updated from “PTO” to “Personal time off”, as PTO is not a universal term.

Below are the personal time off menu items added:

Menu item Description
New time off request This is a new menu item which allows to create a personal time off without navigating to My time off requests form.
My time off requests Renamed the existing menu item ‘My personal time off requests from project management and accounting module and placed in this module.
All time off requests(optimized for mobile) Renamed the existing menu item ‘Personal time off requests from project management and accounting module and placed in this module.
My resource time off requests Existing menu item pulled from project management and accounting module.
Personal time off parameters New form where all the personal time off related parameters are pulled in. Refer below section for more details.
Personal time off workflows New form where only timesheet related workflows will be displayed. Refer below section for more details

Personal time off parameters form

In the personal time off parameters form, we have added all the existing personal time off related fields for easier access to the user.

General tab

Personal time off workflow form

In the personal time off workflow form, we have added existing personal time off workflow.