Version | Hotfix Release | Aug 23, 2024

Work item type Business scenario Description VSTS ID Version
Enhancement Invoice email Enabled extensibility for the email template, allowing it to be overridden in both the ER Report and the standard invoice proposal report. 90624
Enhancement Contract management Earlier message was getting triggered as Agreement number must be filled in while creating Contract through Copy option. Now with this fix, no message triggers when creating contract through copy option. 90743
Enhancement Revenue adjustment In this enhancement, a new revenue adjustment competition method named “From main project effective % complete” has been introduced for percentage complete adjustment. This method utilizes the ‘effective % complete’ from the main project associated with selected project to determine ‘adjusted percentage complete’ for revenue adjustment. User can activate this feature by selecting the ‘Activate main project % complete adjustment’ option within the projects360 fee management parameters. 90774
Enhancement Billing schedule We resolved an issue where the ‘Show progress summary’ option was not being defaulted on the billing schedule creation form when ‘Auto-create Pre-billing Summary’ was enabled. With this update, the ‘Show progress summary’ option is now correctly defaulted on the billing schedule form when ‘Auto-create Pre-billing Summary’ is selected. Additionally, when creating a new pre-billing summary, ‘Show progress summary’ will be automatically defaulted. 90898
Enhancement Resourcing Enhanced the selection of the projects from the project hirerachy to perform booking from the Project view form. 90932
Issue Billing Schedule Addressed an issue, where progress billing phase invoice amount calculation was incorrect. Now with this fix, we have resolved the issue. 89616
Issue Fee management A particular issue was identified where billing rule was being deleted for task when the project group was changed for phase with the ‘change subproject’ option set to ‘yes’. Now, with this fix, billing rules for subproject will no longer be deleted when user changes the project group for parent project with ‘change subproject’ is set as ‘yes’. 90257
Issue Subcontractor reconciliation An issue was found where the ‘remaining amount to reconcile’ field displayed incorrect amounts during reconcile all on subcontractor reconciliation due to duplicate transactions with the same ID existed in the ProjEmplTrans and TSTimesheetTrans tables. This fix ensures that the ‘remaining amount to reconcile’ field calculates accurately during the ‘reconcile all’ process. 90441
Issue ETC/EAC Management Previously, hour and expense transaction adjustments were excluded from the automatic ETC bucket reduction. With this fix, adjustment for hour and expense transactions are now included into the automatic ETC/EAC bucket reduction process. 90480
Issue Workspaces Addressed an issue, where user define project stages were not getting displayed on project detail form. In the current release this issue has been fixed. 90610
Issue Unit code entry Previously, when the user post the timesheets with expense unit code, invoice field was getting updatd on the expense journal concantinating the unit code and description which used to trigger error when posting the unit code for the expense journal. Now with this fix, we are leaving this field blank when posting the unit code for expenses. 90654
Issue ETC/EAC management Addressed an issue where “Effective EAC cost” amount was rolling up incorrect on ETC/EAC management when rollup totals by parent project parameter is marked.  We have resolved this issue with the current fix. 90690
Issue Invoice emailing We addressed an issue where only users with the roles of Project Manager, Project Accountant, and System Admin could access the “Attach PDF” and “Email Attachment” buttons. We have now resolved this by granting access to these buttons to all users who have privileges to post invoice proposals. 90745
Issue Quick project search Earlier stack error triggers when the ‘Intercompany Project Search’ parameter is disabled, and legal entity is empty on the vendor invoice. Now with this fix, no stack error will trigger when intercompany project search parameter is disabled. 90747
Issue Billing schedule Addressed issue where when billing schedule is created, focus is on the older billing schedule 90748
Issue Invoicing We resolved an issue where the incorrect error message “Fiscal period is not open” appeared when adjusting beginning balance transactions. With this fix, users will see a warning: “Selected transactions for adjustment have beginning balances. If you proceed, the beginning balances will be skipped during the adjustment process,” if they attempt to adjust transactions with beginning balances. 90751
Issue Resourcing Previously, if any resource had no working times, it prevented booking all resources on the project. With this fix, only the resource without working times will be blocked from being booked, while others can be booked as usual. 90764
Issue Contract management Previously, when the workflow was enabled for contract management, the agreement status was incorrectly displayed as “Pending” even after the workflow was approved. With this fix, the agreement status and workflow status will now be synchronized. 90775
Issue Contract management Previously, new projects could not be created if the “contract value category” parameter was not specified on fee management parameter. With the current fix, if contract value category parameter is not specified, it will allow to create the project without any error. Additionally, a warning message will be triggered on the fee management form during contract value updates if the “Activate contract management” parameter is disabled and the “contract value category” is not provided. 90813
Issue Invoice archives We addressed an issue that caused errors when opening posted invoices with retention. With the current fix, users can now view posted project invoices with retention without any issues. 90814
Issue Fee management Earlier we were using the standard adjustment process which was dependent on “Posted” parameter while adjusting the NTE adjustment transaction. Now with this fix, we have removed the dependency on the “Posted” parameter while adjusting the NTE adjustment transaction. 90893
Issue Customer PO management Previously, the “Total Amount” was summed based solely on the same Customer PO ID. With this fix, the “Total Amount” will now be summed based on both the same Customer PO ID and Customer Account. 90896
Issue Subcontractor reconciliation Previously, transactions would not appear on the subcontractor reconciliation form for newly created invoice journal if the same transaction had been reconcilled and deleted in a prior invoice journal. With this fix, we have addressed this issue. 90901
Issue Time entry power app We have resolved an issue where parent activity was still available for subproject on mobile timesheet even if ‘block parent activity selection’ parameter was set to ‘yes’. With this fix, the system will prevent the selection of parent activity when “block parent activity selection” is set to “yes.” 90915
Issue Workspace Earlier error was getting triggered when the expense report was opened from project manager workspace. Now with this fix, error will not get trigger when expense report was opened from project manager workspace 90916
Issue Project transaction enhancements Previously, duplicate profit transactions were linked back to adjusted hour transactions through modify time while using the automatic transaction rule for hour to fee. This issue has now been resolved with the latest fix. Now, the transaction are being adjusted while performing modify time through automatic transaction rule hour to fee 91122
Issue Project transaction enhancements Previously, the transaction were not getting adjusted while performing write off time on invoice proposal using automatic transaction rule for hour to fee.This issue has been resolved with the current fix.
Issue Billing schedule Previously, when an adjustment request was opened from the pre-billing summary, the billing schedule field was not displayed. With this fix, the billing schedule field will now be displayed when an adjustment request is created from the pre-billing summary. 91463
Issue Billing schedule Previously, users could update the progress percentage for projects with any fee type, regardless of whether it was “Progress.” With this fix, users can now only update the progress percentage for projects with the “Progress” fee type, and only when the project is in a pending state on the billing schedule 91502
Issue Invoice archives Previously, attachments added on the purchase order invoices were not being considered for invoice archive functionality. With this fix, attachments from the purchase order invoice will now be included in the invoice archive process. 91767
Issue Export time Earlier error was triggering while executing export time for payroll. Now with this fix, no errors will trigger when executing export time for payroll. 91829
Issue Invoicing Resolved an issue where an incorrect error message about funding sources appeared when write off time quantity with zero write-off hours on the invoice proposal form. With this fix, users will see a warning: “Update the ‘Write off hours’ field to proceed with the write-off quantity process,” if they attempts to write off time quantity without specifying write-off hours 91834

Version Information

Package Name Model Name Version
projects360 ProjAX
projects360 BI ProjAX BI
projects360 IA ProjAX IA
projects360 Mobile Projects360Mobile
projects360TimeEntry ProjOperations
projects360 projects BI ProjectsBI
projects360 Workspace ProjAXWorkspace
projects360 Integrations Projects360 integrations
projects360 Financials BI FinancialBI
projects360 Markup Tool Projects360MarkupTool
projects360 Learning Plan Learning Plan
projects360 for Project Operations ProjOperations
projects360 Cash Basis Accounting CBA

Version | Hotfix Release | Jul 23, 2024

Work item type Business scenario Description VSTS ID Version
Enhancement HR automated events A specific issue was identified where the users were not being disabled when an employee was terminated with a future date. Now with this fix, a batch job named ‘Disable users upon termination’ has introduced in projects360 toolkit. Once user executes this batch job the user will be disabled when the associated employee is terminated. 90292
Enhancement Resourcing Earlier there were performance issues while opening the project view for project. Now with the fix, we have optimized the code, resulting in reduced loading times. 90341
Enhancement Billing schedule With this enhancement, we have optimizied the code for better performance of PMIPBILLINGSCHEDULETABLE and PMIPBILLINGSCHEDULELINE and introduced few new indexes to enhance the performance of these tables. 90372
Enhancement Fee Management Revenue adjustment data entity was exporting data with the status ‘created’. In the current enhancement, a new data entity called revenue adjustments view has been created which exports data with statuses ‘created’ and ‘posted’. 90550
Issue Fee Management Previously, an error was triggered when attempting to reject an unapproved contract agreement. With this fix, no error will occur when rejecting an unapproved contract agreement. 89662
Issue ProjOps Sync Addressed an issue where assignment based pricing from projects operation side was not working for timesheets 89890
Issue Manage Subprojects Previously, deadlock error was occured while updating the project group with the ‘change subproject’ option set to yes caused by invoking the validate method twice. We have rectified this issue by adding a parm method to verify the deletion of billing rule, thereby preventing the custom code from being executed twice. 89981
Issue Billing schedule Addressed an issue where “Billing period start” date was not properly initialized when “Default billing start date as blank” is set as “No”. With the fix, the code update hinges on the “Default billing start date as blank” parameter. When set to “No,” it initializes “Billing period start” and “Service date from” using the latest dates from the contract’s billing schedule plus one day and the value will be blank only when this paramter is set as Yes. 90016
Issue Invoice archives Previously, invoice archive included incorrect intercompany invoice attachments. This issue has been resolved by ensuring that the records selected in the VendInvoiceJour table consider the parmId and InvoiceId fields. Now with this fix, invoice archive will include correct intercompany invoice attachments. 90155
Issue Fee Management Addressed an issue where user were getting error message while approving the contract agreement. In the current release we have fixed the issue by adding a condition to check the buffer before updating and it will ensure no error will occur while approving the contract agreement. 90253
Issue ETC/EAC management Previously, actual hours in the ETC/EAC cost multiplier journal were being included for categories that were not part of their respective category reporting group. With this fix, actual hours are now appropriately allocated only to categories within their respective ‘category reporting group’ 90289
Issue Billing schedule Addressed an issue where Billing progress % field was editable even after the billing cycle was complete. Now with the current fix, the billing progress% field is now editable only when the status is pending. 90435
Issue Billing schedule Addressed an issue where progress amount and invoice amount did not update correctly with changes in billing progress%. Now with the fix, the progress amount and invoice amount will update correcly when there is a change in billing progress%. 90503
Issue Project transaction enhancements Resolved an issue wherein the ledger journal table and ledger journal transtable records were being created by the automatic expense journal even when the activities were closed. We have resolved the issue by preventing transactions with closed activities from posting. 90512
Issue Invoicing Previously, invoice rounding error was triggered with customer retention and on account transaction. Now with this fix, we have resolved the issue. 90515
Issue ProjOps Sync Previously, there were cases where the “Is transaction created” flag was not being marked, even though transactions were integrated from FO to PO. This resulted in transactions being integrated multiple times from FO to PO. This issue has now been addressed. 90554
Issue Fee Management Addressed an issue where error was triggering while posting revenue adjustement if main project was marked as header project. With this fix revenue adjustment record will not be created for header project. 90559
Issue Billing schedule A particular issue was identified where company logo was not getting displayed on pre-billing summary report. Now, with this fix we have addressed this issue. 90593
Issue Resourcing Resolved an issue where project view form did not display any records if resource forecast records were available. The form previously only showed records when financial dimensions were linked. Now with the current fix, project view form now displays records regardless of whether financial dimensions are linked. 90618
Issue Project transaction enhancements Addressed an issue where automatic transactions for intercompany records failed to post and produced an error when category/resource is set to lookup. This issue has been rectified by overrideing the validation of category/resource when posting automatic transactions (expense/fee) for intercompany transactions. 90643
Issue ProjOps Sync Previously, there was an issue where the Create Actuals batch job failed to generate billed sales transactions in project operations due to a missing invoice number assignment, causing an error. This issue has now been resolved. 90662

Version Information

Package Name Model Name Version
projects360 ProjAX
projects360 BI ProjAX BI
projects360 IA ProjAX IA
projects360 Mobile Projects360Mobile
projects360TimeEntry ProjOperations
projects360 projects BI ProjectsBI
projects360 Workspace ProjAXWorkspace
projects360 Integrations Projects360 integrations
projects360 Financials BI FinancialBI
projects360 Markup Tool Projects360MarkupTool
projects360 Learning Plan Learning Plan
projects360 for Project Operations ProjOperations
projects360 Cash Basis Accounting CBA

Version | Major Release | Jun 21, 2024

Work item type Business scenario Description VSTS ID Version
Enhancement Invoicing We have incorporated our tables into the standard batch job to clean up the report tables PMIPPSAProjInvoiceHeaderTmp & PMIPPSAProjInvoiceTmp 86071
Enhancement Invoicing Improved functionality to resolve an issue where extended tmpPSAProjInvoice objects by customers caused missing lines on the SSRS project invoice report in specific scenarios. Code enhancements were implemented to ensure support for extensibility. 89375
Enhancement Default dimension rules Provided extensiblity capabilities on Default dimension rules for other teams to extend the functionality. 89432
Enhancement Invoicing Provided extensiblity function to support modifications that override PDF to TIF conversions 89434
Enhancement Manage pending time An error occurred when opening the manage pending time form due to the deprecation of Microsoft's synchronization feature between Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management and Outlook. To resolve this issue, we removed the 'import calendar appointments from Outlook (Office 365)' feature from the p360 code base. 89660
Enhancement Misc changes In this enhancement, “Aging Period Definition” field is set as mandatory in the parameters for the WIP aging report by project. 89763
Enhancement Billing schedules New enhancement have been made on the billing schedule form and my billing schedule form, in this version the order for the records are coming in decending order. 90164
Issue Billing schedules Previously, the "Progress %" field was editable even after the billing schedule status was set to Pre-billing complete. With this fix, the "Progress %" field is now editable only when the status is in Pending state 80186
Issue ETC/EAC Management Previously, values for effective actual cost (EAC cost) and % completion were missing when roll-up totals by parent project and the Hide fee type none option were turned on. With this fix, values for effective actual cost (EAC cost) and % completion will now be displayed correctly. 84205
Issue Invoicing Previously, a rounding error was triggered when attempting to perform a simple adjustment on an invoice proposal with multiple funding sources. With this fix, users will now receive a message indicating that simple adjustments cannot be performed on invoice proposals created with multiple funding sources. 86988
Issue Resourcing Earlier Hard bookings on a project in the resource forecast remain intact when terminating an employee due the missing value in the Hour column in the ResBooking table. With the fix it is working as expected now. 89184
Issue Invoicing  Previously, admin fee and NTE fee transaction was getting adjusted for another subproject even if simple adjustment functions performed on first subproject. With this fix, admin fee and NTE fee transaction will get adjusted only for the project on which simple adjustment has been performed.
Issue Invoicing New lines number filed is added in p360 project invoice report. For this field get the data from PMIPProjInvoicingJourTotals.LineNumber field. Use LineNumber field to sort data in report design. This helps show correct data in report 89328
Issue All favorites Previously, when favorites were created for intercompany, records were generated in the incorrect entity. With this fix, favorites for intercompany projects/activities are now created in the resource entity. 89540
Issue Invoicing Resolved an issue where simple adjustment button were getting enabled on submitted invoice proposal when multiple funding source exist. In current release this issue has been fixed. 89617
Issue Invoicing  Previously, rounding error was getting triggered while performing simple adjustment on transactions when retention exist. Now with this fix, we have resolved this issue. 89622
Issue ETC/EAC Management Addressed an issue where Line button was enabled on ETC/EAC cost multiplier journal even if there is no journal created This issue has been rectified in the current release. 89661
Issue HR automated events Addressed an issue where the system was halting updates to the vendor bank account when the user updated the employee bank account through the employee self-service portal 89683
Issue Project Transaction Enhancements Addressed an issue where automatic transactions for intercompany records fails to post and produce error. This issue has been rectified by overwrite the validation of Project/Resource when try to post automatic transaction (Expense/Fee) for intercompany transactions. 89694
Issue Fee management A particular issue was identified where contract value on billing rule was getting updated to zero when user updates the project accountant field through open is excel. Now, with this fix we have addressed this issue.
Issue Resourcing Earlier Customer name and main project name are not appearing on resource booking screen, Now with this fix Customer name and main project name are appearing on resource booking screen. 89730
Issue Billing schedules Previously, the contract name was getting truncated on the pre-billing summary report. With this fix, the full customer name will now be displayed in the pre-billing summary report. 89803
Issue Billing schedules We have resolved an issue where Fields related to Apryse tool disappears, when the parameter Activate pre-billing parameter is unmarked. Now with this fix When the paramter is turned to be unmarked then the fileds will still appear. 89865
Issue Fee management Fixed a problem where the invoice amount in fee management showed an incorrect amount for multicurrency projects. This occurred when the same voucher number existed in another company. 89999
Issue Invoicing Previously, removing an on-account transaction from the invoice proposal would trigger a rounding error. However, with this fix, the invoice posts successfully without any errors, even when on-account transactions are removed from the invoice proposal 90000
Issue Billing schedules Previously, users were unable to update the "progress %" on the billing schedule when the Progress Billing Phase parameter was activated. With this fix, users can now update the "progress %" on the billing schedule as long as there are no active progress billing phases defined 90013
Issue Billing Schedule Earlier user was not able to use 31 days as “Contract billing frequency setting”, now with this fix user will be able to use 31 days as contract billing frequency setting. And billing schedule can be created for last day of the month If the day value is bigger than the last day of the specific date’s month. 90014
Issue Billing Schedule Addressed an issue where the Simple adjustments from billing schedule filter doesn’t properly work when “Billing period” dates are updated after the form was initially opened. In this current release we rectified this issue. 90015
Issue ETC/EAC Management Addressed an issue where cost bucket was not getting reduced on posting of timesheet transaction. Now with this fix, cost bucket value will get reduced correctly on posting of hour and expense transaction. 90045
Issue ETC/EAC management A particular issue was identified where contract value on ETC/EAC cost multiplier journal was not getting updated correctly. Now, with this fix we have addressed this issue. 90339

Version Information

Package Name Model Name Version
projects360 ProjAX
projects360 BI ProjAX BI
projects360 IA ProjAX IA
projects360 Mobile Projects360Mobile
projects360TimeEntry ProjOperations
projects360 projects BI ProjectsBI
projects360 Workspace ProjAXWorkspace
projects360 Integrations Projects360 integrations
projects360 Financials BI FinancialBI
projects360 Markup Tool Projects360MarkupTool
projects360 Learning Plan Learning Plan
projects360 for Project Operations ProjOperations
projects360 Cash Basis Accounting CBA